The following are Spanish, Quechua, or Aymara terms used in the text and maps
as well as a few other essential words. There are several regional dialects of Quechua,
and not all terms listed here are understood in all regions. Names of common plants
and animals are found in Chapter 2, foods in Chapter 4, and medical terms in Chapter
Spanish / Quechua(Q) / Aymara(A) to English
abajo | | down |
abra | | mountain pass |
acampar | | to camp |
acequia | | irrigation ditch |
agua | | water |
alco (Q, A) | | dog |
altiplano | | high plateau, generally around Lake Titicaca |
apacheta (Q) | | large cairn, usually marking a mountain pass |
apu (Q) | | mountain deity |
ari (Q) | | yes |
arriba | | up |
arriero | | muleteer |
auto | | motor vehicle, shared taxi |
auxilio | | help, rescue |
bodega | | general store, shop |
bofedal | | high-altitude bog |
bosque | | forest |
bravo | | fierce, aggressive |
burro | | donkey |
caballo | | horse |
calamina | | metal sheet used for roofing |
calaminado | | washboarded (road or trail) |
caliente | | warm, hot |
caminata | | walk, hike, trek |
camino | | trail, footpath |
camino de herradura | | horse trail |
camión | | truck |
camioneta | | pickup truck |
campesino | | rural dweller |
canal de riego | | irrigation canal |
cañón | | canyon |
capilla | | chapel, shrine |
carpa | | tent |
carretera afirmada | | unpaved secondary vehicle road |
carretera asfaltada | | paved vehicle road |
carro | | motor vehicle, shared taxi |
carta topográfica | | topographic map |
cascada | | waterfall |
centro poblado | | small village, hamlet |
cerco | | fence |
cerro | | hill |
chaca (Q) | | bridge |
chaki (Q) | | foot |
chakitaklla (Q) | | foot plow |
chicha | | fermented corn beverage |
chicha morada | | purple corn beverage (not fermented) |
chiri (Q) | | cold |
choza | | hut, primitive rural dwelling |
chullo (Q) | | warm wool hat with ear flaps |
chullpa (Q) | | ancient mausoleum or funeral tower |
cobertizo | | open-sided animal shelter |
cocha (Q) | | lake, pond |
colca (Q) | | ancient storehouse or granary |
colectivo | | shared taxi |
colegio | | school |
combi | | van used for public transport |
comida | | food |
comunero | | member of a (usually indigenous) community |
cordillera | | mountain range |
costa | | coast |
cultivo | | crop, worked field |
cumbre | | summit |
derecha | | right |
empinado | | steep |
enfermo | | sick |
escuela | | school |
estancia | | small ranch, rural outpost |
este | | east |
filo | | edge, ridge |
frío | | cold |
ganado | | cattle |
garúa | | mist, very fine drizzle |
glaciar | | glacier |
granizo | | hail |
guía | | guide |
hacienda | | large ranch, landholding |
helada | | frost |
herido | | injured |
hospedaje | | accommodations, guesthouse |
hospedaje comunitario | | community guesthouse |
hospedaje municipal | | municipal guesthouse |
huayco (Q) | | landslide |
huchuy (Q) | | little |
ichik (Q) | | little |
ichu (Q) | | high-altitude straw |
inicial | | nursery school, kindergarten |
izquierda | | left |
jatun (Q) | | big |
Jirón (Jr.) | | street, used as the abbreviated prefix |
kamisaraki (A) | | How are you? (universal greeting) |
lago | | lake |
laguna | | pond, lake |
lliklla (Q) | | large colorful cloth used to carry bundles and babies on one’s back |
locutorio | | public phone office, calling center |
machay (Q) | | cave |
maki (Q) | | hand |
mana (Q) | | no |
manso | | tame, gentle |
mapa | | map |
médico | | doctor |
mercado | | market |
micuy (Q) | | food |
minibus, minivan | | van used for public transport |
minka | | community work project |
mirador | | scenic overlook, viewpoint |
mototaxi | | motorized rickshaw taxi |
mula | | mule |
nevado | | snow-capped mountain |
nieve | | snow |
norte | | north |
ñan (Q) | | road, path |
oeste | | west |
oroya | | cable car |
Pachamama (Q) | | Mother Earth |
páramo | | high, wet Andean moorland |
pastizal | | pasture |
peña | | cliff |
perro | | dog |
pirca (Q) | | stone wall |
porteador | | porter |
posta de salud | | basic health center |
precipicio | | cliff |
puente | | bridge |
puna | | high dry Andean plateau |
puquial (Q) | | spring |
qoñi (Q) | | warm |
quebrada | | ravine, gully, valley |
queñua | | polylepis tree |
recarga | | cell phone credit |
recto | | straight ahead |
refugio | | refuge, trekking shelter |
rescate | | rescue |
río | | river |
ronda, ronda campesina | | community patrol |
rumi (Q) | | stone, rock |
runa (Q) | | man, person (usually indigenous) |
runa ñan (Q) | | people’s road, foot trail |
saywa (Q) | | small devotional cairn placed to propitiate a safe journey |
selva | | jungle |
serrano | | highlander |
sierra | | highlands |
su voluntad | | it’s up to you (referring to the amount of an offered payment or contribution) |
sur | | south |
tambo (Q) | | Inca posthouse, contemporary government accommodations |
tayta (Q) | | father, old man |
terminal terrestre | | large intercity bus terminal |
tienda | | general store, shop |
tinku (Q) | | confluence of two rivers |
tormenta | | storm |
toro | | bull |
trocha carrozable | | rough vehicle track |
turismo comunitario | | community tourism |
turismo vivencial | | community tourism |
uno (Q) | | water |
vaca | | cow |
valle | | valley |
viento | | wind |
volcán | | volcano |
waliki (A) | | (I am) well (reply to Aymara greeting) |
warmi (Q) | | woman |
wayra (Q) | | wind |
yacu (Q) | | water |
English to Spanish / Quechua(Q) / Aymara(A)
accommodations | | hospedaje |
aggressive | | bravo |
big | | jatun (Q) |
bridge | | puente, chaca (Q) |
bull | | toro |
bus terminal | | terminal terrestre |
cable car | | oroya |
canyon | | cañón |
cattle | | ganado |
cave | | machay (Q) |
cell phone credit | | recarga |
chapel | | capilla |
cliff | | peña, precipicio |
coast | | costa |
cold | | frío, chiri (Q) |
community tourism | | turismo comunitario, turismo vivencial |
confluence of two rivers | | tinku (Q) |
cow | | vaca |
crop | | cultivo |
doctor | | médico |
dog | | perro, alco (Q), anu (A) |
donkey | | burro |
down | | abajo |
east | | este |
fence | | cerco |
food | | comida, micuy (Q) |
foot | | chaki (Q) |
forest | | bosque |
frost | | helada |
glacier | | glaciar |
guesthouse | | hospedaje |
guide | | guía |
gully | | quebrada |
hail | | granizo |
hand | | mano, maki (Q) |
health center | | posta de salud |
help | | auxilio |
highlands | | sierra |
hike | | caminar, caminata |
hill | | cerro |
horse | | caballo |
horse trail | | camino de herradura |
hot | | caliente, qoñi (Q) |
hut | | choza |
injured | | herido |
irrigation canal | | canal de riego |
irrigation ditch | | acequia |
jungle | | selva |
lake | | lago, cocha (Q) |
landslide | | huayco (Q) |
left | | izquierda |
little | | pequeño, ichik (Q), huchuy (Q) |
man | | hombre, runa (Q) |
map | | mapa |
market | | mercado |
mist | | garúa |
mountain pass | | abra |
mountain range | | cordillera |
mule | | mula |
muleteer | | arriero |
no | | no, mana (Q) |
north | | norte |
pasture | | pastizal |
path | | camino, ñan (Q) |
paved road | | carretera asfaltada |
pickup truck | | camioneta |
pond | | laguna |
porter | | porteador |
ravine | | quebrada |
rescue | | Auxilio, rescate |
ridge | | filo |
right | | derecha |
river | | río, mayo (Q) |
rock | | piedra, rumi (Q) |
school | | escuela, colegio |
shop | | bodega, tienda |
shrine | | capilla |
sick | | enfermo |
snow | | nieve |
snow-capped mountain | | nevado |
south | | sur |
spring | | manantial, vertiente, puquial (Q) |
steep | | empinado |
stone | | piedra, rumi (Q) |
store | | bodega, tienda |
storm | | tormenta |
straight ahead | | recto |
summit | | cumbre |
tame | | manso |
tent | | carpa |
to camp | | acampar |
topographic map | | carta topográfica |
trail | | camino, ñan (Q) |
trek | | caminar, caminata |
trekking shelter | | refugio |
truck | | camión |
up | | arriba |
valley | | valle |
viewpoint | | mirador |
volcano | | volcán |
walk | | caminar, caminata |
warm | | caliente, qoñi (Q) |
water | | agua, uno (Q), yacu (Q) |
waterfall | | cascada |
west | | oeste |
wind | | viento, wayra (Q) |
woman | | mujer, warmi (Q) |
yes | | sí, ari (Q) |